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You are in the section of our specialized web-portal, where we have collected additional materials on eye disease "Keratoconus". For more information about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of this disease, go to the appropriate subsection:

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Keratoconus - disease of cornea

Remember, the early treatment in a specialized clinic guarantees high results and good vision!


# Hazaret 2016-12-22 06:12
Please tell me how often you need visit to an ophthalmologist, after corneal transplant surgery, after recovery.
# Consultant 2016-12-22 07:26
Hello, Hazrat.
In order: after corneal transplantation (penetrating keratoplasty) there is an early postoperative period, when the patient is on the sick leave. It lasts 2-3 months, visits to the attending ophthalmologist are usually carried out weekly (if there are no complications).
Before removing the sutures, the patient should be examined once a quarter (in the absence of complaints). The stitches are removed after about 9-12 months.
Further - as you indicated "after recovery" - as we understand, by this you mean the period after the removal of stitches and withdrawal of drugs, control examinations of a specialist are already much less frequent: once or twice a year.
However, this applies to control inspections. If you have any complaints, you should contact your doctor immediately.
# Hazaret 2016-12-22 06:16
Can I wear soft lenses instead of glasses after keratoplasty?
# Consultant 2016-12-22 07:30
Refractive correction after corneal transplantation with contact lenses (both hard and soft) is possible, but the issue should be solved individually based on the specific condition of the patient's cornea, the degree of refractive error and its type.
If high visual acuity can be achieved with the help of spectacle correction, it is preferable to use it, because it does not injure the cornea and there is no risk of infection.
# Mama Xedice 2018-07-07 17:46
Hi. Please tell me there are there any Restrictions for keratoconus? For example, knitting?
# Consultant 2018-07-09 09:38
Hello. Knitting is not a contraindication for patients diagnosed with keratoconus.
Most of the restrictions are related to physical activity. You can find this information here:https://en.keratoconusa.net/consultaciya-keratoconus/208-keratoconus-nagruzki-sport.html

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