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Eye drops for keratoconus treatment

Medicine treatment provided by the use of medicines that improve the metabolic processes in the cornea. Such drops do not stop the pathological process and can not reshape the cornea, but can significantly slow its progression. These drugs include in its composition Taurin (Taufon, Bestoxol etc.), Dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves (Solkoseryl, Actovegin), retinol acetate or vitamin A (Vit-A-POS) and other eye drops.

Eye drops for keratoconus treatment

Taurin for keratoconus

Eye drops with Taurin can prevent the progression of keratoconus and improve eye nutrition. Sulfonic Acid, which is part of their composition, at the cellular level regulates metabolism. The deficiency of natural taurine is replenished, energy and recovery processes are stimulated, and the function of cellular membranes of eye tissues is normalized.

Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is formed in the body during the conversion of cysteine. It is able to stimulate the processes of repair and regeneration in dystrophic pathologies and diseases, which are accompanied by a rapid violation of metabolic processes in the eye tissues. Taurine helps to normalize the functions of cell membranes, activate energy and metabolic processes, preserve the electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm (by accumulating K+ and Ca2+) and improve the conditions of the nerve impulse.

Carmellose of sodium, which as auxiliary substances included in the eye gel Solcoseryl, promotes uniform and long-lasting coating of the cornea. Thus, the active substance is constantly delivered to the affected tissue.

The frequency and duration of treatment with eye drops in the diagnosis of keratoconus is determined by the attending ophthalmologist.

Solcoseryl for cornea

Solcoseryl gel is a drug that stimulates regeneration processes. In ophthalmology, it is used for topical use, including in the treatment of keratoconus. Solcoseryl is a chemically and biologically standardized dialysate, which contains a large number of different low-molecular components of the blood serum of dairy calves and cell mass having a molecular weight of 5000D (nucleotides, glycoproteins, oligopeptides, nucleosides, amino acids, etc.).

Solcoseryl makes tissues more resistant to hypoxia. Increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, as well as increasing intracellular utilization, it activates metabolic processes in cells. Accordingly, there is an acceleration of ATP metabolism and increase of energy resources of cells.

Other medicines

Keratoconus - Eye Drops reshape cornea

Along with the above drugs, the doctor can prescribed other drops that may be used as a means to improve the metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye (Emoxipin, Quinax), or it can be protectors of cornea (especially important this group of drugs when used by the patient hard contact lens) - Corneregel, Balarpan N, etc.

We recommend to use the Eye Drops for keratoconus management only as an additional treatment to Surgery (Cross-linking of cornea and Implantation of ICRS), because the Efficiency of Medicines is not significant and they can not stop the Progress of Disease.

# Ani 2015-10-26 12:46
The doctor said the drops are useless. Kind of like the patient was "not bored" while preparing for the crosslinking, implantation corneal segments, or God forbid, a cornea transplant.
I drip Taurine - the cheapest of drops. When the eyes from hard lenses start feel pain, sometimes used corneregel to restore my cornea.
Such things from me. Judging by the other reviews drops (especially such a wonder drug, like "Drops Fedorov", "Ujala", etc.) is not too effective. :(
# ABBAS 2016-03-31 08:27
# Consultant 2016-03-31 08:34
Dear Abbas,
Keratoconus is not a contraindication to the use of dilating pupil drops (Mydriatics).
# David 2017-05-17 10:13
Hi. I was diagnosed with keratoconus, but said the operation is not necessary. Sent from doctor to doctor, but they don't know nothing.
I am worring about that Iwork at the computer, there is pain and dryness in the eyes. I use the different eyedrops (moisturizing, vitamins), but they useless. Tell me what measures to take? afraid to lose sight(((
# Consultant 2017-05-17 11:20
Dear, David.
You should understand, that the pain and dryness in the eyes is either a manifestation of computer vision syndrome (adverse effects of visual activity behind the monitor), or dry eye syndrome (DES) - in which the tear production is scarce or the properties of the tear are changed. Both of these conditions are not related to keratoconus, and are independent diseases.

I can give to you the "standard" recommendations in such cases can be called:
1) Application of moisturizing drops (Systane, Hylocomod, etc.) during your workday.
2) Install near to you a humidifier and to do it more often breaks.
# volvoguru82 2023-05-27 11:15
Large doses of riboflavin (vitamin b2) 400mg 4 days on 3 days off.
With out door exercises (jogging, walking, biking) in the sunshine, can simulate cornea cross linking, basically can slow the progression of keratoconus and help stabilize the cornea.
Eating non processed foods,
Basically eat clean foods high in omega fatty acids, and with lots of anti oxidants. Stop rubbing your eyes! Smoke weed or eat edibles
Using a scelaral lens helps tons too. Maybe in the near future ivmeds-80's drug will finally be available, and it looks very promising to restore corneal flatness to some degree. Google it yo.

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